On 1 April 2011, the Royal Dutch Touring Club (ANWB) launched its roadside assistance mobile app. In 2017 the app achieved more than 1 million downloads. In the last year alone, the app was downloaded almost 350,000 times. The increase in popularity is the result of continuous app improvements for the users, making it better, with the help of the people who download and use the app.
The objective of the app improvements was to create a fast and safe way to signal the ANWB when a car breaks down. Based on user reviews, the ANWB started to make adjustments. Each month, they updated the app with new features and every time there needed to be at least one recommendation from a user in it. Users saw that the Club found their feedback valuable, which in return created an environment where people would actively give feedback on the app. This created a synergy in which the ANWB created the app as it is now. And today it has a 4.6 rating (out of 5) in the App Store.
10 % of all breakdowns are now reported in the app. In most cases, there will still be contact with a call centre over the phone. They are working on making this less necessary in the future. If calls can be reduced, then this can reduce the costs of the Emergency Contact Center and this is very important for the future of their roadside assistance.
Everybody who has worked on this app is very proud of the end result. The process to get here has been labour intensive, but it has worked. Users increasingly appreciate the App for its feedback feature and monthly updates. With this user-centered process, ANWB created a popular and user-friendly app.