Automóvel Club de Portugal (ACP) has launched a Portuguese version of ‘’Mr Bear Driver’’, the road safety app created by Automobil Clubul Român (ACR) with support from the FIA Grant Program. The application’s aim is to educate children on road safety rules and allows them to be true co-pilots alongside their parents.
As the child plays, the application receives data on the speed of the car via GPS. When the driver exceeds the speed limit, an alert appears on the screen for the player as a signal to warn the driver to slow down. If the driver does not slow down, the player loses points or even loses the game.
ACP launched the game in early summer symbolically in the KidZania playground, where kids had the opportunity to get a photo with Mr. Bear. About five thousand leaflets were distributed to the students of the ACP Kids Driving School as well as to the users of ACP’s Autódromo in Kidzania.