On 23 January, the Automóvel Club de Portugal (ACP) released new data concerning the habits of Portuguese drivers. The average Portuguese driver has a car that is about 10 years old, drives 9000 kilometers per year and uses their car daily. Every week, the Portuguese travel between 50 and 200 kilometers in cars that are kept on the road for as long as possible. Despite the widespread use of their cars, the study emphasises that drivers are aware that “the car degrades city centres and is bad for the environment” and that there is an excess of vehicles circulating in city centres .
The President of the ACP, Carlos Barbosa, said: “The ACP Observatory will give insights to the government and local authorities on what can and should be done to solve and improve mobility in Portugal.”
The findings are based on a sample of 6,560 individuals (ACP members and non-members) over 18 years of age and holders of driving licenses. The ACP Observatory has an advisory board composed of the main public and private institutions for mobility, transport, road safety and motor, motorcycle and bicycle associations.
Watch an introduction to the ACP Observatory (in Portuguese with English subtitles)