RACE and RACC are active members of AESVI, the Spanish Alliance for Child Road Safety. The Spanish General Directorate of Traffic has approved AESVI’s Commandments of Child Road Safety, a set of essential measures to guarantee the safe transport of children in vehicles. The goal of the commandments is to ensure that no child dies or suffers serious injuries when traveling as a vehicle passenger. One of the core commandments highlights the correct use of the child restraint systems, since they reduce the risk of injury in an accident by 50% to 80%.
AESVI is formed by a variety of organisations involved with child road safety, including manufacturers of child restraint systems, dealers of children seats, automobile clubs like RACE and RACC, universities, pediatricians, emergency departments, midwives, the Directorate General of Traffic, the Catalan Traffic Service, the Basque Country Traffic Department, consumers, the National Child Safety Association, members of community schools, local police associations and many more.