The European Road Safety Charter is the largest civil society platform on road safety. Along with, more than 2,300 public and private entities FIA Region I and 25 of our European Mobility Clubs have committed to the Charter and carried out road safety actions and initiatives targeted at their members, employees and the rest of civil society.
FIA - Federation Internationale de l'Automobile
The FIA is the international federation representing touring and automobile clubs. Within the EU the FIA represents some 34 million motorists and is the voice of the motoring consumer. Amongst its priorities are the promotion of road safety and the protection of consumer interests.
New Commitment
In renewing its commitment to the European Road Safety Charter the FIA European Bureau commits to the following:
- To support and promote national road safety campaigns by our member organisations and their efforts to spread the message of road safety and the Charter into their societies;
- To publish in our Website the commitment texts of our members who have signed the Charter, in order to disseminate Road Safety best practices;
- To organise a road safety workshop in 2010 for our member organisations from the New Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidate Countries;
- To encourage our member organisations from the New Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidate Countries to work with their national administrations to strengthen and reinforce national road safety policies with road users;
- To motivate all the European member organisations who have not done so yet to create a commitment to Road Safety and sign the European Road Safety Charter within the next two years;
- To motivate all those European member organisations who have signed the European Road Safety Charter more than three years ago to renew their commitments to the Charter by 2010.
Old Commitment
- To motivate all member organisations in the European Union to sign the European Road Safety Charter within the next two years;
- To support and promote national road safety campaigns by our member organisations and their efforts to spread the message of road safety and the Charter into their societies. In particular, this will focus on the new Member States of the EU, where member organisations will be motivated to organise national Charter signing events;
- To organise a road safety workshop in 2004 for our member organisations from the new Member States of the EU.
ÖAMTC-Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club

The ÖAMTC is with more than 1,6 million members one of the largest Automobile-Clubs worldwide. It is a Independent Service Organisation with more than 2.500 employees which provides 9 Driving Safety Centers, 24 Rescue Helicopters and more than 500 Emergency Vehicles in Austria. The ÖAMTC is a founding member of FIA.
New Commitment
Taking the initiative in the implementation of measures that go beyond current legal requirements, specifically:
- Extending the programme for promoting the safe behaviour of all road users
ÖAMTC road safety programmes reach 12.5% of all Austrian children. The organisation’s aim is to increase this percentage.
The number of participants in the practical training of all novice drivers and improved moped training is to be increased.
Ongoing training (safe driving training including special programmes, advanced training courses on issues such as child safety and secure loads, advanced training for professional drivers) will continue and courses will be improved.
The programme “Mobil sein – Mobil bleiben” (Being mobile – staying mobile) with a target age group of 55+ will be extended throughout Austria and will be further developed.
In addition, all ÖAMTC employees and their relatives will be offered free or reduced-rate driving safety courses. New employees are obliged to carry out driving safety training.
- We will continue developing tests for improving vehicle-related road safety and passenger protection in particular. Car and crash tests serve to improve vehicle construction and safety features. Further developments are underway in child restraint system tests. The ÖAMTC regularly tests a variety of tyre types with the aim of optimising the quality of these. Information on this topic will be made available.
- We will continue with the research in the field of traffic engineering in support of measures to improve infrastructure-related road safety .The ÖAMTC carries out continuous traffic engineering studies and tests and submits proposals for improvement (testing of the main road network for safety problems; operating checks for increased tunnel safety; participation in programmes aimed at decreasing safety problems in town planning; safety checks on building sites and at accident black spots).
- Awareness-raising activities and implementation of safety initiatives within lobby groups and public relations work
The ÖAMTC undertakes to carry out more effective public relations campaigns on subjects relevant to road safety.
Road safety elements should be considered in relevant articles in the club magazine.
At ÄKVÖ (Medical Drivers Union) events (an ÖAMTC-affiliated association focusing on traffic medicine) subjects concerning road safety and traffic medicine will be discussed twice yearly.
- Development and implementation of measures aimed at reducing accident rates through the ÖAMTC air emergency service Improved provisions for seriously injured patients. The aim is to achieve closer collaboration with rescue and ambulance services. Cooperation with other European air emergency services and a transfer of know-how to the new EU Member States should be strengthened.
- Construction of a new accident database
A database that has access to general accident data and the data of the ÖAMTC air emergency service will enable more in-depth analysis of traffic accidents. The aims of this are improvements in all relevant areas of road safety.
- Transparent information for vehicle drivers concerning vehicle recall actions that affect their vehicle
The ÖAMTC provides information on recall campaigns for vehicles or vehicle accessories with defects that have safety implications, and is involved in campaigning for the legal obligation of importers and consumer protection organisations to provide information on recall campaigns.
Old Commitment
The Austrian Automobile Club ÖAMTC takes responsibility to put into action at least one of the following safety principles and measures:
- Expanding programmes aimed at promoting safety-conscious behaviour by all road users.
In recent years the ÖAMTC has tripled its Driving Safety Centre infrastructure. In fact it is aiming to boost the number of participants in driving safety courses from 42,000 (2002) to 120,000 (2006) using a three-pronged approach: developing its infrastructure; launching a multitude of road safety campaigns; and, not least, successfully lobbying for more practice-orientated training for novice drivers (multi-phase driver training).
Driving safety training courses, which include special modules targeted specifically at HGV drivers on issues such as securing loads, have also been developed. The ÖAMTC also intends to lobby industry and politicians to introduce a programme of continual advanced training for truck and bus drivers, modelled on the multi-phase driver training for motorists and motorcyclists. In Austria such a programme would reach around 120,000 people a year.
The Mobil sein, Mobil bleiben [Be Mobile, Stay Mobile] programme aimed at the 55+ age group is to be expanded to Austria as a whole. Introduced in 2001 it comprises not just an eye test, hearing test and reflex test but also a special safety training module, updates on the legislation governing traffic regulations, and a First Aid refresher course. The ÖAMTC is hoping to increase the number of participants from the current figure of around 900 to around 2,000 by 2006.
With regard to road safety for children and teenagers, around 100,000 schoolchildren of all age groups are given safety training every year. The Blick und Klick [Look & Click!] and Hallo Auto [Hello Car!] programmes are aimed at providing comprehensive safety training to all schoolchildren in each school year (around 70,000 pupils).
The ÖAMTC has also undertaken to provide its entire staff and their relatives with either free or discounted driving safety courses. Moreover completing a driving safety course is now compulsory for newly recruited staff.
- Developing test procedures for improving vehicle-related road safety and passenger protection in particular.
Car tests and suggestions for improvements to make automobile designs and equipment safer, and for greater passenger protection (e.g. as part of EuroNCAP, the New Car Assessment Programme).
Further development of tests for child restraint systems, e.g. as part of EuroNPACS, the New Programme for the Assessment of Child Seats.
Tests for a wide array of tyre types to help improve brake systems.
Providing safety information and data to help consumers with purchase decisions.
- Traffic engineering research to promote measures aimed at improving infrastructure-related road safety
Traffic engineering studies, tests and proposals for improvement such as:
EuroRAP (Road Assessment Programme) – study to be conducted on Austria’s network of motorways and dual-carriageways, scheduled start: 2004.
Conducting operating tests to improve road safety in tunnels.
Participating in nationwide programmes aimed at reducing safety shortfalls in road planning (Road Safety Audit).
Participating in nationwide programmes aimed at reducing safety shortfalls in the existing road network (Road Safety Inspection).
- Awareness-raising activities and activities aimed at implementing safety initiatives as part of the representation of motorists’ interests and PR work
Planning and implementing high-impact public campaigns in co-operation with partners in the media on such road safety issues as seatbelts, drinking & driving, speeding, etc.
Major focus on road safety issues in the printed and internet versions of the ÖAMTC Club Magazine: Publication of at least one additional article per month on services, information and awareness-raising measures.
Discussion of important issues relating to road safety and the medical aspects of motoring as part of ÄKVÖ events (a branch of the ÖAMTC that focuses on the medical aspects of motoring), with emphasis on providing advice and information to motorists.
Drawing up practical sets of measures on safety issues as a basis for regional, national and international safety campaigns (such as the Safer HGV Traffic initiative).
- Developing and implementing measures aimed at alleviating the consequences of accidents.
Drawing up and implementing concepts for emergency medical treatment for persons with serious injuries, in particular improving the quality of the service provided to those seriously injured, and closer co-operation between rescue and ambulance services.
Joint ventures with other European air rescue operators and know-how transfer to the new EU member states by interested partners (Airmed Network, EHAC).
Strengthening of cross-border assistance and co-operation with neighbouring states (e.g. Suben Christophorus Europa 3, project phase: Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia).
Measures aimed at co-ordinating cross-border training and education in First Aid and emergency medical care.
Evaluation studies on air rescue (comparison of medical care provided to patients on the ground / in the air).
- Awareness-raising campaigns as part of events and projects organised by the ÖAMTC Academy, aimed at addressing and communicating road safety issues to the general public
Aggression (“road rage”) and what causes it
Improving the understanding between road users
RACB-Royal Automobile Club de Belgique

Le Royal Automobile Club de Belgique est une association sans but lucratif qui travaille au niveau national et remplit différentes missions centrées sur l’automobile telles que l’assistance et le dépannage, les conseils pratiques et juridiques, les sports et les loisirs. 25 personnes y sont employées en interne ainsi que 40 moniteurs. Sa spécificité tient dans le fait qu’elle s’investit dans une mission de prévention routière.
- In order to reduce the number of accidents due to the lack of experience of drivers who have just obtained their licence, over the next three years we will be working with different partners to provide special training in defensive driving.
- This additional training consists of a one morning course (initiation safety stage) or a full-day one (master safety stage), and eco-driving which aims to inculcate the participants with the actions that enable energy-saving and speed management. Most of them are similar to preventive behaviour.
- The target public for this training will be drivers who have passed their test and wish to improve their driving. Drivers who have followed our training will be able to benefit from a reduction in their insurance premiums for at least one year.
TCB - Touring Club Belgium

A- Car safety
- We will publish 4 articles per year regarding car safety for in The Touring Explorer Magazine, one of the largest information tools on road safety and other issues in Belgium. As usual, we do reach a huge part of the public (1,5 to 2 millions) by issuing press releases and doing interviews. This communication is planned for the next years for February, May, September and December.
- We will organize (in collaboration with our marketing department) an event in September or October 2009 on Electronic Stability Control (ESC) in cars by inviting members to try the system out on a circuit. 20 persons to actively participate, public and press invited to attend
B- Infrastructure safety
- In July 2010 and 2011, we will publish a new report regarding the safety of the Brussels tunnels. This report will evaluate the investments (40 million €) and the refurbishments the Brussels Government did over the last two years based on our former reports.
- We are involved in the FIA EuroTest programmes as well. For next year September we’ll participate in a test on accidents in roadwork areas. Communication will be done by press release and publication on our website.
- In November 2009 and 2010 a new area in Brussels will be tested on the safety of pedestrian crossing. In 2011 other Belgian cities will be tested. Again we will communicate by press release and website.
All those actions will be each time communicated to the press and published in our magazine that reaches more than 1 million members, and on our website through which we reach a large number of members and non-members (360 000 visitors per month). Approximately 48 articles and press releases will be published. We estimate than our actions will reach 2 to 3 millions persons each time.
Duration of commitment: 2009-2011
UAB - Union of Bulgarian Motorists

The Union of Bulgarian Motorists is a non-profit NGO. 46 local Branches, 79 automobile Clubs, 70 technical assistance Centers and 1500 employees. 150 special cars and 100 driving schools. UAB has 22.000 effective and 300.000 associated members and its main aim is to improve the road safety in Bulgaria. UAB primary activity is to provide specific kinds of services and assistance to its members and to foreign Clubs’ members.
In order to increase road safety over the next three years:
- UAB will enlarge the young cyclists movement that it created 25 years ago in order to involve 105,000 schoolchildren throughout Bulgaria. Road traffic education for pupils between 6 and 14 years old will be provided through the organisation of local regional cycling competitions and national cycling championships.
- UAB will improve the infrastructure and teaching process in its driving schools through modern means of education, such as simulators, computers, multimedia, etc. The aim will be to have 20% of practical education taught by simulators. UAB will suggest to legislators and state authorities an increase in practical teaching from 24 to 32 hours, including 6 hours with simulators.
- UAB will enlarge the volume of the traditional road safety action known as “Car lights”, organised jointly with the traffic police (KAT), starting from 1 October. As well as revising car lights, the UAB repair shop will control tyres, batteries and cooling systems. Expected volume over three years: 500,000 cars.
- In October 2007, a two-year project will be launched in the Sofia city region jointly with the international road assistance organisation (ARC) to improve patrols, the quality of road assistance and efficiency.
- UAB will organise special courses for Bulgarian drivers in order to promote post licence qualification and the recovery of penalty points on their driving licence.
- UAB will launch a promotional campaign for the amendment of national traffic legislation concerning, in particular, child restraint systems, safety vests, etc. UAB will actively participate in the road safety actions of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the FIA Foundation.
HAK - Hrvatski Autoklub

- During the next three years we will organize traffic education contests with pupils aged 10-12 year. Approximately 20000 pupils will participate in this contest every year. Two best ranked girls and boys participate on FIA European Traffic Education Contest.
- During the first week of the new school year we will organize the campaign for new pupils and their parents, advising them how to come safely from their home to school and back. For this purpose we will publish a brochure with recommendations how to behave on the streets, which will be distributed to every pupil in the country, together with some reflective equipment. We plan to distribute 50 000 copies of brochures.
- In every region of the country, we will organize events for kids and their parents, which are strongly supported by media. For this purpose we also made leaflets with advises, and warnings, for pupils, their parents and drivers, which are distributed in schools, on city streets etc. We plan to distribute 50 000 reflective materials, 200 000 leaflets and 5 000 posters.
- On our web site we will publish in English various kinds of road information (on motorway tolls, speed limits, winter equipment, DRL (daytime running lights)… different information of interest to foreign motorists…). We plan also to place there parts of our highway code that could be of interest to foreign visitors.
Cyprus Automobile Association

The Cyprus Automobile Association is a non-profit organisation established in 1933 for the purpose of serving the private motorist and protecting his interests both inland and abroad. The CAA, through its capacity as a member of the Fédération Internationale de l’ Automobile (FIA), pushes to make roads safer by strongly supporting all related campaigns worldwide. Number of individual members:1500. Number of professional members: 250. Number of staff:11.
Cyprus Automobile Association is concerned about the great proportion of road fatalities among drivers involved in road accidents and insufficient initial training of young drivers and the need of further education for driver’s licence holders. We are therefore committing to the European Road Safety Charter with the following actions:
- Organise road safety campaigns aiming at young people through visiting primary and secondary schools, colleges of higher education, army barracks etc.
- We plan to visit once every three years all major schools as well as colleges of higher education comprising of more than 150 students.
There are two army enlistment dates in Cyprus, one in July and one in January. About 11000 persons are enlisted every session. We plan to visit at least once per year each and every soldier training army barrack.
- Address road safety issues to the large number of non-European citizens residing in Cyprus by printing leaflets in respective native languages. In the 2009, we shall be distributing 50000 brochures in Turkish, addressing the Turkish Cypriots. We shall be distributing leaflets, 5000 in each language, addressing the different communities in Cyprus such as Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, and Russian etc.
- Promote awareness of using the seat belt through demonstrations with the seat belt slide. The Seat Belt Slide consists of a ramp and a seat which is let loose at the upper end of the slope with the riding passenger fastened by a seat belt. When let loose, it comes to an abrupt stop at the bottom end of the ramp simulating a 30 km-impact on an imaginary wall. The experience is such that the passenger will never take a car ride without a seat belt.
- Promote awareness of using child seats and harnesses. Together with our PR/Marketing office, we have already demonstrated the use of child seats in public places such as supermarkets. We plan to repeat the above venture by the end of 2009.
- Organise in situ checks on cars regarding condition of breaks, lights, tyres etc. These campaigns (with the help of the Police) are carried out in truck weighing stations and/or petrol stations where the driver answers a specific set of questions regarding the condition of the aforementioned items. Then, the vehicle is inspected and a form is filled up with the results that intend to inform the driver on safety and maintenance issues. We aim to inspect 1600 vehicles and the results will be presented to the House of Representatives for consideration.
- We will be collaborating with the following organisations, Police, Ministry of Communications and Works, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, Ministry of Defence, Motor Vehicle Importers’ Association.
Our commitment will be for a three year period and we will review our actions year on year.
Nicosia, 13th February 2009
ACCR - Autoklub of the Czech Republic

Autoklub of the CR is the civic association for those who are interested in motoring and activities of ACCR. The main aim of ACCR activities: Development of motoring (protection of interests, promotion of drivers needs, protection of environment), improving the technical quality of road traffic including the road net and improving the technical level of vehicles.ACCR has 200 000 members organized in 750 individual clubs all over the Czech Republic.
New Commitment
During the next three years we will continue with our road safety actions formulated in our original commitment:
- We will continue managing the drivers’ training and disseminate further Road Safety education. We will continue contributing by publishing the Methodical Bulletin for driving schools where it is possible to find information and standpoints needed for better drivers training in terms of road safety. The Bulletin is free of charge for all driving schools and is available on ACCR website. mužte upresnit, kolik jich zhruba budete distribuovat? The Bulletin is edited four times per year. Previously the number of distributed materials was about 1 250. Nowadays the Bulletin is distributed only through website.
The drivers training will be organized by individual member clubs of the ACCR. They will focus on the following topics:
– changes in regulations and modifying road traffic
– the most frequent sources of fatal traffic accidents
– the principles of partner drivers behaviour in road traffic
– solving of crisis situations in road traffic and their preventionAll the courses are free of charge for all participants (also for those who are not members of the ACCR). We expect a participation of hundreds of motorists per year. The courses are organized regularly by a lot of clubs annually and if necessary another courses are organised due to important changes in legislation. One course lasts about 2 – 3 hours.
- We will arrange courses for disabled drivers.
About 100 – 120 disabled drivers per year will take part in the training (even those who are not members of the ACCR). The courses will focus on the improvement of drivers training, the theoretic part deals will cover the same themes as listed above and then a practical training will follow in a special polygon – which means a specific centre for safe driving improvement training. It has specific slip surfaces enabling the driver to avoid unexpected obstructions. We will contact all disabled drivers who are ACCR members and through ACCR website or media contacts even non-members. During courses the specific drivers car modifications are fully respected. The courses consist of theoretical part and practical riding.
- We will continue with the traffic education for children and close co-operation with media. The children education programme is managed by individual clubs of the ACCR. It has the theoretical part done at school classes and practical part on traffic playgrounds. The aim of both parts of traffic education is to prepare children regarding road safety as pedestrian as well as a cyclist.
The road safety education starts in preschools. The main focus is given to children of the 4th class (9 – 10 years) because from this age of 10 children begin to use cycles in road traffic.
The ACCCR is a supplier of methodical materials which are centrally published by state administration and prepares competitions for children and parents as well. Individual clubs organise theoretical courses at schools and on traffic playgrounds.
- We will disseminate information and increase road safety awareness (accident frequency, children retaining systems, safety belts, legislation, lightening, using of reflective vests, etc.) within the framework of our press services (about 120 editors from all types of media) . We will produce press materials directly targeted to the general public. All the materials of press services will be available on the ACCR website The representatives of the ACCR will participate in radio and TV programmes and in round tables concerning road traffic and its problems. The average visit rate of ACCR website: 780 per day. The average participation in the above mentioned media: 3 – 4 per month.
Old Commitment
- To organise multimedia campaign concerning the children retaining systems. This campaign will link up the safety belts campaign which is being underway.
- The campaign concerning the children safety will cover the whole country and will use audio and video spots through TV and radio. Also other kinds of media will be involved: the specialised press materials will be prepared for newspaper and magazines and 10 000 leaflets concerning this subject as well. The total costs will be about 300 000 Euro.
- Other from ACCR activities is to inform the public about the problems of road safety (through the Press Service of ACCR). Media of all kinds will be given the press info about the road traffic accidents (circumstances, consequences etc.)
UAMK - Czech Automobile Club

A civic association, The General AutoMotoClub of the Czech Republic, is elaborating on the traditions of the motoring sports dating back to 1904. The UAMK CR is an active member of various international organizations such as the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile). It is formed by more than 600 independent clubs with over 200 000 members. The activities of the UAMK CR are mainly focused on motoring and non-motoring sports, support of motoring sporting events and historical vehicles. Highly important are public policy issues such as road safety.
New Commitment
- Thinking and attitude of people concerning the Road Safety have still to be changed. A pro-active approach towards safety and individual role of each traffic participant should become their standard behavioural norm. It has been confirmed that there has been an improvement in the seat belts usage in the front seats as it nowadays becomes very common to use them. On the other hand there are still problems with usage of the seat belts on back seats and the use of child restraint systems.
- For improving that, we will organize Road Safety events throughout the whole year (except for winter period), with duration of 1 day for each event. The estimate of approximately 2000 attendees participating at each event is based on several years of experience with similar activities.
- The main educational tool is a seat belt slide – a simulator of a car impact into a solid obstacle by the speed of 30 km / h. Our specially trained staff will be demonstrating and operating the slide while the people may experience what such an impact looks and feels like. The public is then being informed about he the importance of seat belts using.
- For this second three years phase of our European Road Safety Charter we commit to organize at least 50 such events per year and reach by our action approximately 100.000 participants per year.
Old Commitment
- To organise preventive campaigns with the use of seat-belt slides in support of seat belt using, correct usage of child restraint systems and a correct position of the adjustable head restraints – organising 30 such campaigns per year throughout the Czech Republic
- To produce three Road Safety instruction videos and DVDs (one per year) and carry out their distribution (free of charge) to schools, driving schools and other educational institutions – with the following contents:
- Principles of safe bicycle riding – age category up to 10 years (note – children may use public transit roads only in company of an adult)
- Principles of safe bicycle riding – age category 10 to 15 years (note – children may use public transit roads unaccompanied)
- First aid in road accidents
FDM - Federation of Danish Motorists

A cross-party organisation, which serves the interest of Danish motorists by taking part in the decision making process of transport and providing legal and technical advice to members (226.000).
New Commitment
- Continue to keep attention on road safety by writing articles in our club magazine Motor. Minimum one editorial and one article per year dedicated to road safety
- Continue to work in practice with training drivers in safe driving. Having at least 25.000 participants per year.
- Making a new campaign for better driving behaviour by for example advertisement published on billboards, public buses being visible for the general public. The duration of the campaign is approximately one month per year, but it stays in our web page permanently.
Old Commitment
- Year 2006 FDM will release a handbook regarding drivers behaviours potential to increase traffic safety. The handbook will be distributed with all new cars and light goods vehicles sold in 2006 in Denmark. In all this will be approximately 180.000 copies.
- Year 2007 FDM will publish articles in its member magazine “Motor” on driving safety. There will be three articles: One at winters start, one when the summer holiday starts and one at the beginning of public school year. Motor is published 12 times a year and has 700.000 readers pr. issue.
- Year 2008 FDM will supply driving safety courses. The courses will be arranged with e.g. Danish Road Safety Council or the association of Danish Driving License Instructors.
AL - Autoliitto - Automobile and Touring Club of Finland

The Automobile and Touring Club of Finland (Autoliitto, AL) is the only nationwide association for private motoring in Finland. It has about 75,000 individual members, 5,000 company members and about a hundred different associations and affiliates, which include thousands of motorists. Its activities include the entire field of road traffic, as well as motoring in Finland and abroad.
During the following 3 years we will carry on the following actions:
- We will publish in each issue of our magazine “Moottori” a traffic safety related article or story. Moottori is delivered to all our 80.000 members 10 issues per year. We will publish articles and give instructions to motorists when they want to drive abroad. We will also publish a bi-annual handbook of the most important rules called “By car in Europe”. The book will be printed in 5.000 copies. It will be available in Autoliitto and in bookstores around Finland.
- We will participate in several local educational events around Finland during an entire week. The week will end on Saturday with the Autoliitto’s “Day of the Car” in 37 locations. Activities and competitions of the traffic safety week will include shows held by children and their parents, demonstrations on the use of reflectors and helmets to classes 1-2, Driving skills track to classes 3-4, technical inspections of pupils’ bikes or technical tests of cars in some locations. We foresee about 6.000 visitors.
- We will arrange the nationwide “Children’s Traffic Safety Bicycle Competition” every year. This event reaches some 100 schools and about 2500 children aging 10-12.During this Traffic safety bike competition children need to resolve theoretical traffic situations and also drive by their bikes some practical tasks in order to show how good command they have of their bikes.
- We will organize the European final of the “FIA Traffic Education Contest” in September 2009. Some 25 countries and more than 100 children in the age 10-12 will participate in this contest testing both traffic rules and practical bike handling skills. This event will basically consist of a bike competition in respect of safety measures.
- We will organize driving training for licence holders both to individuals and to companies or associations. We are supposed to involve 1.000 persons in 40 events one educational event lasting half of a day in which safe driving practices will take place.

The federation of the independent caravanning and motor caravanning associations in Finland. SF-Caravan has 65 member associations that have in total around 53.000 members.
- Educating the people in the rallies and other caravanners meetings. Training events are organised as lectures or as panel discussions 3-4 times a year. There are about 80-100 participants in the events yearly. Approximately once a year the driving situations are demonstrated and practised at a driving practise circuit.
- Information on road safety issues in the club magazine. The club magazine is published 6 times per year and each issue should have article(s) related to the traffic and traffic safety. The magazine has circulation of over 50.000 copies.
- Merit medal for driving a motor caravan and towing a caravan. A driver can accomplish a merit medal by participating in a driving skill test. Different levels in the merit medal can encourage drivers to practise their skills and that way influence also the road safety. Every year about 20 driving skill events are organised around Finland and approximately 150 drivers accomplish a merit medal.
- Practising driving and towing. Association organises to their members opportunities to practise caravan driving skill on a empty field. This is aimed before all to new caravan drivers. There are about 40 occasions yearly.
- “Caravanners driving licence”-education system. Year 2005 was started a new education system for caravan drivers. The course is planned to organise yearly, one basic course and one advanced course.
AMSM - Auto Moto Sojuz na Makedonia

During the next three years we commit to implement the following actions:
- We will be working on protection and safety for traffic users by implementing the FIA (International Automobile Federation) global campaign “Make Roads Safe”. For this campaign we will publish material in some of its monthly magazines.
We will also work on education by participating in the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile) traffic contest for children ETEC (European Traffic Education Contest), which we will host in 2010. Children from 10 till 12 years old will participate.
Around 30 000 people will be made aware through these actions.
- We will collaborate with the Republic of Macedonia National Council for Road Safety, (national public institution responsible for the prevention and safety in the road traffic) on their campaign “Think before you drive”. In 2009, our plan is to visit more than 15 high schools to promote this activity with 15 to 18 years olds. We plan to reach about 5000 young people.
- In our monthly magazine “AMSM Club Mobility” (10000 issues), we will increase our special section that focuses on Road Safety issues by examples of good practices and concrete actions regarding Road Safety.
- We will offer preventive technical vehicle checks free of charge for all our members.
We will also offer seasonal vehicle checks before summer and winter. These preparation will be available in our technical facilities across the country. More than 1500 vehicle are expected to be checked per year.
- We will set up the English version of our webpage, where we publish Road Safety information regarding travel and tourism, vehicle technical checks as well as real-time information about road conditions in Macedonia
ADAC - Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-club

Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V., ADAC, the largest automobile club in Europe, represents the mobility interests of 15.4 million members in Germany.In addition to roadside assistance, consumer protection and public policy are key activities of ADAC.
1. To increase the number of events and participants by an overall 5% over the next three years until 2006. This aim is based on the implementation result of 2003 with some 30,800 events and 754,662 participants. This is composed of the results from various programmes of different performance.
2. Through the development and improvement of its safety training infrastructure (locations, trainers etc.), ADAC will expand its driver training increasing the number of participants from a current 141,000 to 180,000 by 2006.
3. To introduce and implement new road safety programmes for groups of road users frequently involved in road accidents:
- driver safety training with load securing for drivers of mini-vans
- quality seal for coaches
4. Involvement in an official testing of a second driver training stage in 13 Federal Länder, i.e. further theoretical and practical training of new drivers after gaining first driving experience, from 2004 to 2007.
5. Development and implementation of the new “fit und mobil” programme for comprehensive care for senior citizens with the following aims:
- cars suitable for senior citizens o training for elderly drivers
- medical advice to elderly drivers including a detailed marketing plan for the following fields
- leisure time (information and advice relating to cars, motorcycles, bikes; advice, products and services with regard to leisure time and travel as well as road safety)
- health (mobility advice on fitness and driving, effects of medication, health risks and prevention as well as nutrition and exercise).
6. Traffic engineering research, tests and proposals for improvement, e.g.:
- EuroRAP research on German major roads starting in 2004
- Study on prevention of accidents involving trees
- Study on improved accident data to eliminate local accident black-spots
- Development of an ” audit” for improved road safety of existing roads.
7. Car tests and proposals for improvement for safe construction and equipment of the car and the occupants:
- Testing of some 180 new cars per year with special focus on safety aspects
- Improvement of braking systems
- Testing of all kinds of tyres to provide the latest safety information and data for making informed purchase decisions
- Research into the improvement in visibility inside cars
- Research into the reduction of cervical spine whiplash injury risks
- Development of child restraint tests
- Research into the safety of bicycle and motorcycle helmets.
8. Publication of at least one additional information or awareness article on current road safety issues in each edition of the ADAC magazine “ADAC motorwelt”.
9. Development and awareness activities in the field of emergency and traffic medicine in the form of research, events and publications:
- Addressing important safety-relevant traffic-medical issues in the ADAC – , focusing on advice and ÄrzteCollegium (ADAC forum of medical doctors) information of road-users: assessment guidelines for driving capability, injury patterns with or without helmet from the neurological point of view following bike accidents, first-aid measures performed by laymen at the scene of the accident and self-protection
- Development and implementation of concepts for the treatment of seriously injured persons, in particular raising the quality of treatment of seriously injured persons and closer co-operation of rescue/ambulance services
- Concept for the development of co-operation with other European air rescue operators and provision of expertise to interested partners in new EU member states
- Concept for the intensification of cross-border rescue and co-operation with neighbouring countries
- Concept for the harmonisation of cross-border education and training in first-aid and emergency medicine
AVD - Automobil Club Von Deutschland e.V

The AvD was the first automobile club in Germany, since 1899 active and was one of the founder members of the FIA. From Frankfurt, 230 employees attend to the needs of 1.4 mill. members All services are available for the members 24 hours a day. The national service network comprises of 320 breakdown and 2000 recovery/emergency vehicles. Europe-wide it covers in total 8000. The mobility service is guaranteed for the whole of Europe. Medical transports are organised on a worldwide basis.
- Road safety training In the course of the next three years the AvD will ensure that per year a minimum of fifty safety training courses will be carried out, each with an average of 10 participants under the leadership of the AvD or under the guidance of a from him authorised company.
- Organisation of mobile inspection tests In the coming three years the AvD will carry out each year a minimum of 30 mobile inspection campaigns. These measures will be carried out with the help of the AvD safety truck which will go on tour throughout Germany for this purpose. The tests usually take place over 2 days at each location and are carried out at highly frequented places such as shopping centres, exhibitions etc. The inspection checks comprise of amongst other things, shock absorbers, brakes, brake fluid, tyre pressures as well as a light test. The tests are free for all participants and can be taken by all motorists regardless of any respective club membership.
- Promotion The AvD is prepared on the occassion of a large motorsport event, either by the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Hockenheim or at the AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring, to point out careful driving in a special way to the home going spectators. This could be achieved for example by placing large, clearly visible information signs on the exit roads from the event. These measures could also be assured for a period of three years.
MAK - Magyar Autoklub

From the changes in the number of accidents and the practical experience of the application of traffic rules we have drown the conclusion that a programmed and long continued shaping of mind and further training of all participants of traffic is necessary.
For several years our club has been making very serious efforts in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents. This purpose was also served by the creation of the Traffic Safety and Education Park in Budapest which was established by investing significant amounts in 1999. In the frame of special programs and as a completion of the activity of education and training institutions another form of basic and advanced training has been elaborated by us. Special programs have been introduced that provide for a lifetime training and advanced training of people who participate in traffic.
- We are planning to carry on this program in a long run, but we accept it every year by the approval of the budget, and with knowledge of our financial means.The programs are such as:
I. Education of traffic knowledge for expectant mothers necessary during the time of their pregnancy
II. Acquiring special knowledge connected with taking little children to crèche or kindergarten
III. Extracurricular teaching of pupils in the upper section of elementary school (between 10-14 years)
IV. Special advanced training of holders of a driving licence.
- For education we avail ourselves of the advisors of the network of doctors and district nurses, we educate pupils for special knowledge connected with cycling (estimating of distance, effect of collisions, tasks for cyclists requiring skillfulness, questions of environmental protection). We also teach driving knowledge with the help of go carts, provide theoretical and practical further training for grown up drivers by applying a sliding track, etc.
- This year it is the fourth time that we operate our national traffic safety program “Safety on Roads Throughout a Lifetime”. Our sliding track and the unit of a mobile truck providing perfect conditions for education are settled every year in 20-25 cities for a period of one week or two. 2500-3000 persons in every settlement attend our programs detailed above; and out of them some 250 persons participate in the education held in a classroom in the truck. In this way we provide, through our non-profit activity, new knowledge connected with traffic safety for 50.000-60.000 persons on average every year.
AA - Ireland

The AA in Ireland currently has in excess of 400,000 customers and employs 300 people. AA Rescue is Ireland’s premier roadside assistance product and uniquely in Ireland, over 80% of breakdowns are handled by our own patrols. Last year we attended to over 100,000 rescue situations.
- To devote on an ongoing basis at least one page per issue of our member’s magazine to road safety. Our magazine is posted directly to 120,000 Irish motorists three times per year.
- The AA also provides broadcast traffic reports on all Irish national radio stations through the AA Roadwatch service, reaching over 90 per cent of the driving public each day. The AA will use this medium to carry road safety messages where appropriate.
ACI - Automobile club d’Italia

Federation of 106 Provincial Automobile Clubs. It represents and protects the interests of Italian motoring, promoting its development by the widespreading of a new mobility culture. Entrusted by the State with the running of some public services such as the Public Register of Motor vehicles. Over 2500 employees
- 2010 PROJECT ”Target 2010: A Goal for Life” is a road safety initiative which will characterise ACI activities for the next four years. “Target 2010: A Goal for Life” is a project involving the participation of the entire ACI, as well as any other public or private organisation at the local or national level which wishes to join and supports the achievement of the 2010 goal: a 50% reduction in the number of death and injuries on roads in 2010. The starting date will be World Road Safety Week (23-29 April 2007), to be announced by the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. The week will be devoted to young people, ranging from children to newly-licensed drivers, since they represent the road users who are most at risk. Furthermore, signatures from all over Italy will be collected during 2007 for the FIA Foundation road safety campaign. These signatures should support the petition to be sent to the United Nations Secretary General during the General Assembly of November 2007 to request wider engagement on road safety. The same petition will be sent to the Italian government to request that adequate funds for road safety be allocated.
- ACCIDENTS LOCALISATION – EURORAPThis will improve the quality of data surveys on road accidents in Italy by analysing especially dangerous roads where a high rate of accidents occurs. This procedure will allow us to analyse the safety levels of the roads concerned, rank these levels according to the risk potential (“Road Protection Score”) and generate specific risk maps in line with the protocols of the European EuroRAP programme. The initiative will enable motorists to get information on the potential danger of some roads, as well as to inform road owners/administrators, thus making appropriate improvement measures possible.
- BLACK SPOT The “Black Spot” project aims to provide special roads signs that, while distinct from those of the highway code, emphasise those road sections where statistics show serious road accidents (“black spots”) have occurred in the last three years. This should make motorists more aware on their driving behaviour, and encourage them to take into account the presence of higher risk levels in concerned road sections. ACI plans to place these signs on ordinary national, regional and provincial roads: roads where a great number of accidents and deaths are reported according to ACI-ISTAT statistics (roads where both the risk of accident and fatality is high); roads with a great number of fatalities (roads where the risk of an accident is high and, in the case it occurs, is likely to be fatal); and roads with a great number of accidents (road sections where an accident is very likely to occur). In this way it will be possible to:
1. Contribute to identifying those road sections with special problems in terms of road accidents.
2. Inform motorists travelling on those sections where accidents are more frequent about the necessity of maintaining proper driving behaviour in line with higher risk levels.
3. Stimulate companies managing the roads in question to seek infrastructural and functional solutions, thus limiting and reducing accidents on the sections of greatest risk.The projects are obviously subject to the prior authorisation of the various companies and operators managing the road sections concerned.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DRIVING SCHOOLS ACI will be involved in drafting documents on training issues with the goal of enriching the present (and mainly technical) didactic approach by promoting and fostering the development of a safe culture of mobility. This can be done by providing information on road accidents, consequences of the consumption of drugs and alcohol when driving, general concepts of sustainable mobility, driving practices as something which must be studied by the members of a civilised society, etc.Driving schools which incorporate this supplementary training will be issued a special certificate.
LAC - Lithuanian Automobile Club

Lithuanian Automobile Club is non-profit public organization organizing rally, including the events of the country championships and other competitions. In its activity it involves sportsmen with disability and sportsmen – veterans. By the main actions it propagates the information concerned the entrants, viewers and organizers safety during the competitions.
Over the next three years, we will commit to the ERSCharter through the following actions:
1. We will organise large-scale competitions to underline the importance of safe behaviour on the roads. o We will publish and distribute leaflets and information on safe driving (5,000 copies twice a year). o Meetings and seminars will be held for competition organisers before every competition.
2. We will disseminate information at various events on how to avoid road accidents and encourage safe driving behaviour.
LAS - The Association of Lithuanian Automobilists

LAS (The Association of Lithuanian Automobiliststakes) cares about road users behaviour. The main aim is Road Safety knowledge and high culture of road participants.
Therefore we carry out educational campaigns to help to achieve the aims:
– various contests that take place in schools,
– campaign “Saugus automobilis” (Safe automobile) that is held twice a year: spring and autumn, provides vehicles technical examination, drivers usually have a lot of advices how to prepare the vehicle for winter season, small technical damages are removed on the spot.
For the next 3 years at least, we will carry out our project “Protect your child from dangers on road”. This is the educational campaign inducing using of children restraint systems.
The campaign have started with a social advertisement in capital Vilnius : outdoor and indoor advertisement, brochures, posters – total about 20 000 pieces.
The Website www.kedutesaugo. lt was created for the campaign.
Our next action is to organise events in kindergartens to develop parents’ education about how to use children restraint systems.
First we announce a drawing exhibition. Every group of children has to draw the safe travelling in a car. The passenger is a bear – the symbol of the campaign.
Then children have to answer some questions about safe driving and safe travelling.
These pictures and written answers are exposed during the event.
The event consists of theoretical part and fun part such as children group songs, dances and a little contest using the children seats.
Finally every group is awarded with “Bear friend” diplomas. Children receive road safety advertising materials and various reflective items.
The following steps will be to extend the campaign all over the country using the same and new methods and tools.
The campaign is carrying out together with Vilnius City Municipality. The municipalities of other major cities are also planning to join the campaign this year.
TCM - Touring Club Malta

TCM (Touring Club Malta) is an affiliated Club with FIA. TCM has also a section for Motorcaravanners and mostly members travel in Europe by car or Motorcaravan.
In order to reduce the number of accidents involving youngsters as pedestrians or bikers, we aim to involve all public and private schools in Road Safety issues by organizing the following actions:
- Demonstrations about road signs and basic rules of Road Safety, directed to students from 14 to 16 years old.
- Students painting exhibitions so that they will be aware of the importance of Road Safety, with premise of awards for the best creations. The exhibitions involve students from governmental, public and private schools (10 to 15 years old) and also academic Schools/universities with 17 to 20 years students.
These actions are planned for 2007, and will be carried out for 2008 and 2009 depending on evaluation and subventions.
ACM - The Automobile Club of Moldova

The Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) is a non-governmental, republican organisation, created in 1998 with the goal to develop motoring, technical road assistance service and motor tourism. Since 1999, the ACM has been a member of the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme (AIT) and Federation Internationale de l’Automobile(FIA) which includes more than 100 motor clubs and tourist associations around the world.
In the coming three years we commit to realize following national actions jointly with Road Police: – “Road Safety Week” Six weeks each year (one week every two months) – Lections “Attention – novice driver is on the road!” Target audience: 40 driving schools in a year (1 hour lesson for each school) – Lections “Attention – children on the road!”- 90 schools in a year (1hour lesson for each school) – Distribution of leaflets in the city “Alcohol – direct road to another world!” Methods and materials: more than 200.000 leaflets, competitions, trainings, lessons, promotional actions, social video. In addition, we shall put information about road safety in English on our website as soon as we begin with the actions.
ANWB - The Royal Dutch Touring Club

The Royal Dutch Touring Club ANWB is a many-sided association with 3,9 million members and 3300 employees. Over 50% of all Dutch households are member of ANWB. ANWB serves member interests in the areas of tourism, recreation, traffic, and transportation and offers products and services in the fields of road side and personal assistance, retail, travel, and insurances. ANWB is a founding member of FIA.
- In relation to the objective of using road users’ experience to promote clear and unambiguous road design, we will carry out the following initiatives: o During a drive of between 150-200km, road users (volunteers) will give their opinion on the road design. The results of what road users think about the major road network in the Netherlands will be made known in the summer of 2007: articles will be published in our magazine, entitled Kampioen (6.6 million readers) and on our website (75 million visitors per year). o Residents can consult our website to help them better define their problems and to find suitable solutions in an interactive manner. The website will be in an easily accessible place on the ANWB website and will undergo improvements in the summer of 2007. o Our members are asked via our Kampioen magazine to name locations that are not safe in the Netherlands (300 listed). The ANWB will bring these to the attention of the road authorities. The locations and the reactions of road users will be published on (Safe Neighbourhood) before the end of 2008.
- With the objective of making cars safer and in cooperation with our sister organisations in Europe, we will initiate tests on the safety of cars, parts and accessories (tyres, seats, child seats, etc.).These tests will be organised 100 to 150 times per year and their results will be available on our website. We will also communicate them to car manufacturers to encourage them to improve the safety of their vehicles. The results will be also published in our monthly club magazine, entitled Kampioen, as well as in our weekly free newspaper, entitled autoKrant.
- In order to reduce the number of traffic accidents in which children are involved, the ANWB Streetwise Team visits schools in the Netherlands; the project aims to prepare children to act in adult traffic situations.ANWB Streetwise consists of:
1. Blik en klik (active traffic safety and backseat safety)
2. Hallo auto (estimating a car’s braking distance)
3. Trapvaardig (bicycle control) 2007=visits to 500 schools=about 90,000 children2008=visits to 1200 schools=about 216,000 children2009=visits to 2500 schools=about 450,000 children
- We want to reduce the number of broken or incorrectly shining car lights. Before October 2007, we will organise a meeting to define a campaign on this issue aimed at private cars. The participants will discuss activities to be undertaken. The participants include BOVAG, RAI, VVN (Road Safety Netherlands) and Philips. The campaign will start in mid-October, when daylight saving ends, and will conclude in 2010.
NAF - Norwegian Automobile Club

Norges Automobil-Forbund (NAF) focuses in particular in 2 issues:
A: Children/young and elderly drivers.
B: Tunnel safety. Norway has 947 tunnels longer than 500 meters.
NAF is already involved in traffic safety actions with many activities from pre-school children, driver license education to refreshment courses for elderly drivers.
NAF runs campaigns in commercial media, has active presence at schools and in particular campaigns about vehicle control. The 74 local clubs have numerous activities throughout the year were young drivers is the target group.
NAF commits itself to increase this activity in coming years.
A: We will organise the following not-for-profit training activities:
- Approx. 55 000 candidates for driving license fulfil a 3 hour NAF-course on slippery/icy surface + 2 hour of highway driving
- Approx. 30 000 youngsters 10-12 years compete in local/regional tests in correct bicycling behaviour.
- Approx. 25 000 elderly drivers participate in voluntary refreshments courses. 3 hrs x 2 nights
- Every September, approx. 60 000 reflective safety vests, 60 000 yellow caps, 100 000 reflective badges will be distributed at kindergartens and schools for free. Active visibility demonstrations in dark involve approx. 120 schools and 60 000 children every year.
B: As a member of European Tunnel Assessment Programme, we distribute the leaflet “Safety in tunnels” (English version) to motorists visiting Norway travelling by ferry from Germany, Denmark and UK. The leaflet is handed directly to each car when it embarks in Norway. Every summer, 30000 leaflets are distributed to tourists from the continent and British Isles. This action will be continued in the coming years.
At info sheets about safety tested tunnels can be found in English. The info is linked to other European motor organisations.
Duration of commitments: 2009-2011
PZM - Polski Zwiazek Motorowy

Federation of associations of members and fans of motorization in over 303 automobile clubs and motor & tourists clubs. It employs some 10,000 people and works in the scope of Poland. PZM is, among others, member of FIA.
Polski Zwiazek Motorowy commits to undertaking the following actions:
Wishing to improve the RS education in primary and secondary schools, we will, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education do the following:
- Organize Road Safety Competitions for primary and secondary schools – we expect the participation of about 70.000 to 100 000 children and adolescents
- Organize courses for teachers of RS for primary schools
- Organise a drawing competition “A Safe road to school” for primary schools
start of action: 2006 – finish date:2007
Other organistions involved: Police
In order to improve knowledge related to road rescue and first help in case of road accidents, we will, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health
– participate in the organisation of the system of road rescue in Poland
– organise Polish Road Rescue Competition
– offer free courses of road rescue by our regional clubs all over the country
start of action: 2006 – finish date:2007
Other organistions involved: Police, Polish Red Cross
We will also promote the European Road Safety Charter by putting information on our website.
ACP - Automóvel Club de Portugal

The Moto Club of Portugal works in the areas of roadside assistance, travelling, insurances and several motorsport activities.
- Automovel Club de Portugal will realize an educational spring course for the children of the ACP’s members and for the junior members. The participants are 10-13 year old. The course focuses on road behaviour as pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users. The course also includes a special session about the evolution of the car’s safety devices all along times.
- ACP organises also one week long summer workshops for the same target group. We intend to organise 4 road safety workshops per month during three months. Each workshop can have 10 participants. Therefore, every summer we could offer the workshop for 120 children. The summer workshops will also test and develop the road safety aspects teached at the spring course.
- The actions involve 3 monitors from ACP’s Driving School; moreover the workshops are organised in collaboration with P.R.P.- Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa and so the workshops involve in total 10 people.
- Year 2006 ACP will organise the spring course and the summer workshops. In the following years 2007 and 2008 one of the actions will be organised each year.
- The participants will be invited through ACP’s club magazine, and if necessary by special mailing. We plan to distribute 1000 leaflets to promote the course and workshops. Results and reports with evaluation about the actions will be published at ACP’s website and in the club magazine.
ACR - Automobil Clubul Roman

Automobil Clubul Român is a national association with the Head Office in Bucharest, 40 subsidiaries and more than 80 local agencies and technical assistance centres on Romanian territory, and 900 employees nation wide. ACR has around 300.000 members and its primary activity is to provide different kinds of assistance to its members and foreign clubs’ members.
- We will organize 100 traffic road education laboratories for 100 schools in Romania by the end of 2007.
We will involve 15000 pupils in schools, between the ages 6 and 14 years, by introducing a 1 hour program per week teaching them about road safety.
- We will continue to organize, on a national level, the yearly contest “Road Traffic Education, Education for life”, with 5 stages. Around 30.000 pupils aged between 6 and 14 years are involved in this contest, which includes bicycle theory and practice.
- We will launch the national campaign of children´s safety in the car during the second half of 2007, along with FIA Foundation. We will promote car safety equipment , such as the child restrain systems, to ensure their safety in case of an accident.
The campaign will be developed nation wide, and will be promoted mainly with 200.000 brochures and posters.
- We will contribute to increase the road traffic civilization, and ensure the help and communication between drivers for road safety purposes. We will produce 250.000 leaflets, 100.000 stickers, 10.000 posters and 3 short movies.
The messages will be :
– Drivers should help each other when in danger.
– Drivers should avoid any danger related to traffic.
AMSS - Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia

AMSS is a social organization of the citizens – owners of motor vehicles and other citizens, gathered together on a voluntary basis. Basic activities include membership services, roadside assistance, issuance of international traffic and touring documents, children traffic education, prevention and road safety. It has 60 employees.
- Children traffic education
The AMSS has been carrying out children traffic education programmes for 40 years now. At the moment, nearly half a million children, aged 7-15 years, from 1.100 elementary schools across Serbia, is included in this programme. The concept of traffic education aims at including far more children (than the existing 76%) and schools from the whole country (more than actual 86%). Also, the concept stipulates the increase of the number of regional road safety teams and councils (larger than the existing 46%) and the inclusion of a larger number of teachers in the traffic education training programmes (the actual involvement is 4.7%).
Together with the Ministry of Education, the project of introducing traffic education into schools, as a mandatory subject, should be finalized.
To that end, the AMSS will provide more than 500.000 sets of traffic education material and tests.
As for the preschool population, children in the kindergartens will have periodic lectures and presentations on the road safety basics, in the form of brochures, video material, short films, etc.
- Road safety of motorcyclists
The AMSS will continue with the campaign of giving away helmets to motorcyclists, as one of the most vulnerable road user categories, with the increasing number of killed and seriously injured. The campaign aims at raising the awareness of motorcyclists about the necessity of wearing a helmet, which can protect them from head injuries, and very often save their lives. Also, the campaign aims at stressing the speed factor, which brings about crashes and casualties in majority of cases. In the second wave of the campaign, during the summer 2009, additional 1.000 helmets will be given away, and will include motorcyclists from smaller urban areas.
- Participation in EuroRAP/iRAP programmes
In 2008, the AMSS realized the iRAP project of inspecting 3.000 km of all categories of roads in Serbia. Experience acquired in this programme represents a starting point for the further development and implementation of this programme, which, besides inspecting the remaining road network in Serbia, will include risk mapping as well. To that end, the AMSS has already started providing own capacities for the realization of these projects, as the vision of the AMSS is to become the leader of this programme in the region. The AMSS will also broaden the list of its partners, including all the stakeholders which are, directly or indirectly, involved in road safety.
Knowledge, experience and results from this project will be distributed to the project partners, and all the stakeholders, in the form of reports, brochures, bulletins. There will be 500 copies of each material printed to support the initiative.
- Technical inspections of vehicles and vehicle forensics
The AMSS will continue with its traditional activities of free technical inspections of vehicles, twice a year, to check the condition of older vehicles.
- Examination of retro-reflexion of traffic signs
The AMSS research laboratory is launching a new project of activity in the field of road safety which will be reflected in the examination of luminance/illuminance and retro-reflexion of traffic signs on roads in Serbia. This unique laboratory in the Balkans will be accredited to perform such programmes in accordance with the existing European and international standards and protocols. The results achieved in the country will be a basis for the eventual realization of similar projects in the region.
SATC - Slovensky autoturist klub

The Slovensky Autoturist Club is situated in Bratislava , Slovakia . The main activities are segmented in: – road assistance services, – traffic and tourist informations, – road safety activities (EuroRAP), – children traffic education
New Commitment
1) We will develop our participation in the basic programme of the children traffic education in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic (for children of 6-10 years age). We will, therefore, implement the following actions:
– increase the number of children, absolving our programme, yearly at least by 10 % ( in year 2012, at least 16 000 children)
– to realise a nationwide effectivity analysis of this programme (based on the children road accident data) in 2010
– constantly participate at the organisation of the children traffic education contest (with focus on the regions). Provide the participation of at least 18 000 children at this contest in 2012
2) We will participate in the FIA Foundation campaigns “Make Roads Safe”, “Call of a decade of action for road safety” and “Make Cars Green” by:
– presentations on various events (Automobile exhibitions, etc.)
– providing the campaign promotional materials to children, members and non-members of our club.
Old Commitment
To Actively participate at a systematic solution of problems regarding the road traffic with the goal of increasing the level of knowledge and motivation to „safe traffic behaviour“ in Slovak Republic by following means:
- Distribution of SATC Junior membership cards (free of charge) to children in elementary schools by passing in test concerning traffic regulations
Planned distribution of Junior membership for next 3 years:
– 2004 – circa 3000 (until June 2004)
– 2005 – circa 8000
– 2006 – circa 15000
- Permanent participation of SATC at the organising a Children Creative Contest with the theme: Traffic and Road Safety (organised every year in April)
- Permanent participation of SATC at organising regional and national rounds of Children Traffic Education Contest (organised every year in September – final round)
AMZS - Avto-Moto Zveza Slovenia

Avto Moto Zveza SLOVENIJA (AMZS) is a national association of 87 automobile and motorcycle local clubs with 117.000 individual members. The primary activity of AMZS is provide of all kind of assistance connected to traveling and /or road safety for its members.
With the objective to reduce the number of road accidents for all family members of Avto Moto Zveza Slovenija (AMZS), we will organize the “Family hour” event in order to develop the road safety among our members.
Within the context of this program, focused to all family members and based on specific problem areas, we commit to:
– Diffuse the road traffic rules among young drivers and teach them the preventive measures of road safety while offering thematic driving courses for scooters and bicycles young drivers. Each course will last between 3 and 4 hours and it will be held in shopping centres of 8 different cities across Slovenia. About ten lessons per year will be held.
- Teach preventive driving measures giving 8 video sessions and 8 practical presentations based on the correct use of child seats and the correct way to load a car. These lessons will be held in May and June of each year. We will organize 50 lessons in 3 years. We will dedicate one scholar day to each lesson.
- Improve knowledge of new technical safety equipment in car’s (ABS, ESP,BAS, etc). We will organize between 4 and 6 one-day safe driving lessons in September and May of each year. Lessons will be held in special circuits in Slovenia and Austria.
- Distribute information about the “Family hour” event in all our offices, public events and shopping centers through leaflets (about 2.000). This information will also appear in our monthly magazine “Motorevija” which is published in 1.200 copies.
Up to 350 people are meant to be involved. The actions are going to be free and our commitment will last three years.
RACE - Real Automovil Club de Espana

El RACE es un Club fundado en 1903 y su sede está en Madrid. Su objetivo es fomentar el uso del automóvil y colaborar en la solución a los problemas que los conductores podían encontrarse en ruta. Ofrecen seguros y servicios para el conductor de automovil.
- Launch of the School for Road Safety Education truck, travelling across Spain to improve the level of traffic education of the children through theoretical and practical activities (more than 8.000 children per year).
- We will participation in the Traffic Education Contest, AIT/FIA Programme. European Children: knowledge and skills of children in road safety education
- We will participate in local campaigns promoted by different municipal governments: for instance.: San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), La Carlota (Córdoba), Valdemoro (Madrid), etc.
- We will devote on an ongoing basis at least one page per issue of our Members Magazine (AUTOCLUB) to road safety. Our Magazine is posted directly to more than 350.000 motorists, five times per year.
- In our RACE Web Page, global road users will find updated information concerning Road Safety: and
- We will participate in the Brewer´s of Spain “La carretera te pide sin” campaign (“the road demands non-alcoholic beverages” campaign).
RACC - Reial Automobil Club de Catalunya

RACC has more than a million members, 427 offices, around Spain. 1800 employees. The services and products provides are the FonoRacc channel, club website, 24 hours services available 365 days are, on call Medical Service, rescues with medical helicopters and ambulances, travel agency with call service, legal and computer assistance.
- New driver course following the guidelines of the project ADVANCED. Three courses in 2004, carried out in the RACC safety training centre.
- Road safety course within the RACC licensee training schools network, about 200 actions addressed to 6.000 people.
- In 2004 the RACC will carry out a Course addressed to 100 staff patrol and 500 contractor mechanics to improve road safety behaviour during road assistance services.
- The RACC as a co-ordinator of emergency services will implement 2 courses to train 20 PSAPS operators. The aim of these courses is to improve operational procedures in the case of emergency services.
- The RACC will reduce by 7% the air medical assistance arrival time in average, in order to diminish the death ratio in road accidents.
KAK- Swedish Royal Automobile Club

In order to work with these issues, we intend to carry out the following actions during the next three years:
- We will define the Road Safety issues that need to be solved by:
– the Road Safety experience of our expert committee that consists of people with long political experience as well as a genuine experience from the automotive industry;
-using national opinion polls in order to figure out what issues motorists care about most.
- We write road safety articles to be published in the leading Swedish papers.
1 or 2 articles per year in the Swedish leading newspapers, e.g. Dagens Nyheter, and Svenska Dagbladet. Some of our articles will also be published in 5-6 local newspapers and occasionally the subject will reach other interest field magazines.
- We take part in, and arrange 2-3 seminars on those motorist issues, as experts of traffic safety, traffic behaviour and technical development on making cars safer.
M - Motormännens Riksförbund

The Swedish Automobile Association (Motormännens Riksförbund) organises 125,000 motorists in Sweden. The Swedish Automobile Association promotes individual mobility in an environmental friendly way with a high level of road safety. Within the 37 local club voluntary members promote road safety and mobility locally. The head office is located in Stockholm, with 29 employees.
Approximately 40 per cent of all road traffic accidents in Sweden are caused by drowsiness or fatigue driving. 1/3 of all adults also have some kind of sleeping problem. In addition about 150,000 drivers suffer from sleep apnoea, leading to a constant level of tiredness during day time. Consequently, leading to a lower alert level and an increased crash risk.
For the next three years, the Swedish Automobile Association will carry out a raising awareness campaign about the risk of fatigue while driving:
- The Swedish Automobile Association will inspect each year approximately 60 resting areas in 21 counties in order to improve the resting areas’ standard and therefore increase the number of drivers taking a break from driving in order to prevent drowsiness and fatigue driving. The inspections are carried out by the Swedish Automobile Association’s members, educated by staff from the Swedish Automobile Association.
- For the inspections a form is used to fill in the results. The results are later compiled for each county and for the country as a whole; there a ranking list is set up.
- Combined with the inspections the members inform drivers about the risks of fatigue driving and tips to avoid the risk of fatigue driving. The information will be both oral and communicated through distribution of leaflets in the resting areas (approximately 1.000).
- The results from the test will be made public through media reports and in the Swedish Automobile Association’s club magazine Motor – combined with information on the risks of fatigue driving and actions to undertake to prevent drowsiness. Throughout the year, articles aiming at raising awareness about this issue will regularly be published.
TCS - Touring Club Suisse

With 1.4 million members the TCS is the leading mobility club in Switzerland. Its activities include road assistance, tourism, insurance, driver training, etc. One of its main missions is to take care of road safety issues.
New Commitment
The TCS (Touring Club Suisse) is committed to improve road safety in Switzerland and Europe particularly by:
- Put in place a new program to encourage drivers to change their attitude in driving and to make sure that they are aware of the influence they have on other users. A special challenge is to motivate drivers to take voluntary lessons for improving their driving behaviour. We would like to reach about 70000 new drivers per year. About 200000 new educated people in 3 years.
- Continuing to audit the main road network within the EuroRAP program and isolating black spots that need safety measures. Putting an effort on the mountain roads to improve road safety for motorcyclists and to reduce from 5% the number of deaths in this category.
- Continuing the education program for all road users, starting with children’s education and going to check-up courses for elderly drivers. We would like to convince regional government to put in place road safety education lessons in the obligatory school education plans. On very long term we could reach about 400’000 children in the schools.
- We will regularly publish information about those activities in our Website. The TCS also keeps improving its road assistance services, not only in case of breakdowns, but also after accidents. Road safety is furthermore a subject in each edition of the member magazine “Touring”.
Old Commitment
The TCS – Touring Club Suisse, commits to undertake the following actions in order to improve road safety:
- In spite of the law, the use of seatbelts is still unsatisfactory. From 2006, we will participate actively in a three-year road safety campaign in order to improve the use of seat belts in cars by 10%, with follow-up of this objective carried out through the statistics provided by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu). We will distribute printed material (1 million flyers) and provide information about the campaign to the media.
- As infrastructures are not always in accordance with today’s road safety needs, we aim to better identify unsafe spots on the road network. In addition to the standard EuroRAP programme (that provides a safety rating of the European main road network), we will analyse the degree of danger of certain roads for motorcycle drivers (especially mountain roads).
- In response to the lack of information about road safety, we will establish a continuous education programme for all road users: o Children’s education at school: we develop and provide exclusive free material (1.5 million items per year) for the police force, which visits every school class in Switzerland, reaching more than 400,000 children per year. o Driver school and training: free road safety brochures are produced and distributed via driving associations. o Elderly drivers: providing information about the influence of age on drivers’ abilities and their mobility with printed material (15,000 leaflets per year) and active counselling provided during special driving courses, adapted to their special needs.
AA - The AA Motoring Trust

The AA Trust is a charity which conducts research and provides advocacy, advice, and information across the field of motoring, roads and transport and the environment to the general public.
- To raise awareness of mis-fitting of child car seats amongst the general public by distributing 30,000 information leaflets. These will be distributed to road safety officers, primary health care trusts and other professionals who have direct contact with mothers/carers with young children, in addition to requests from our web site.
- To increase knowledge of road accident rates we will analyse and publish comparative road accident rates for the UK in March 2006, March 2007 and March 2008 (rolling 3-year average). The results will be the subject of a media launch (print and broadcast media) and will be available on our web site.
- To increase knowledge about children and road accidents we will publish latest child road accident details by age group and distribute leaflets. We will print 30,000 leaflets and distribute them to road safety officers, schools and other professional bodies who have contact with the target age groups. The information will also be on our web site.
- To raise awareness of risks associated with driving vans we will publish research and advisory leaflets on risks with driving vans. The 20,000 leaflets will be published and distributed to van fleet managers (to pass on to their drivers) and van hire companies (to pass on to drivers hiring vans).
The AA

In addition to its campaigning activity and involvement in UK and EU road safety initiatives, in 2008 the AA (Automobile Association Ltd.) established the AA Charitable Trust for Road Safety and the Environment. Through this the AA will commit to:
- Providing 2000, free, 2x one-hour, eco/safe driver training sessions (Drive Smart) to young drivers most at risk i.e. passed their test within the last 12 months, have points on their licence or who have had an accident. The sessions will be carried out by fully qualified AA driving instructors.
- The AA website- main page, provides information on the AA Charitable trust Drive Smart course and how to sign up.
- This project was launched on BBC1 television in January 2009.
- The 2000 training sessions will be our commitment for the period of commitments.
The Caravan Club

The Caravan Club is a mutual organisation run for the benefit of the 850,000 caravanners, motor caravanners and trailer tent owners it represents. The core of the business is the provision of a network of sites providing a choice of some 3,000 locations in the UK. The Caravan Club provides a range of member benefits including a specialist insurance scheme, vehicle breakdown and recovery service, training courses, and technical and legal help lines.
New Commitment
The Caravan Club is committed to promoting road safety to its one million members, who are by definition motorists.
The Club estimates that these drivers will cover over 487 million miles while caravanning in the UK this year. This is in addition to mileage when driving without a caravan in tow, and when touring in continental Europe.
While continuing to build on its original Charter commitments which were focused on encouraging its members to counter driver fatigue by taking regular journey breaks, it will build on initiatives for joint working and alliances with complementary road safety-aware organisations. These include the FIA and its member clubs, particularly across Europe; The Highways Agency (joint working on a number of road safety initiatives); the UK Department for Transport’s ‘Think!’ road safety campaigns; police authorities; and through active membership of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS).
Caravanners are statistically safe drivers but The Caravan Club has a duty of care to inform and remind them:
- We will provide and promote better access to the Club’s dedicated technical information service, which advises on loading/stability issues and safe matching of towcar and caravan through The Caravan Club website at
- We will produce regular road safety features in The Caravan Club Magazine – circulation 375,000 (Audit Bureau of Circulation audited).
- We will promote driver safety through road awareness and actively encouraging considerate driving behaviour during our caravanning and motor caravanning courses attended annually by over 2,000 drivers (including those who tow other trailers such as boats, horseboxes). Driver attitude has priority in course design and delivery.
- Promoting safe and eco-driving.
The Caravan Club is committed to ongoing research into caravan stability when towing, which is undertaken by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath. Further work with leading UK manufacturer, Bailey of Bristol, and the university, is leading to the development of practical tools to demonstrate stability issues. The communication of these issues to caravanners by demonstrations at key consumer exhibitions and participation in online surveys on The Caravan Club website is a critical aspect of this initiative and will help promote safe and ecological driving.
Old Commitment
- Driver fatigue is a recognised problem area (accounting for as many as 20% of accidents on long journeys according to UK Government statistics). The Caravan Club will proactively make its nationwide membership (850,000) and staff aware of the dangers of driver fatigue, not only for long journeys when towing a caravan, or driving a motor caravan, but also when they or their families are behind the wheel at other times. The Club will encourage a shift in attitude towards the journey being an integral part of the holiday. It will encourage members to take breaks by publicising (through The Caravan Club Magazine, the website and elsewhere) holiday routes with safe rest areas, and suggestions for overnight stops, when they will have an opportunity to enjoy the regions they are travelling through.
- The Caravan Club is also committed to promoting road safety in its programme of practical caravanning courses run throughout the UK. Caravanners are statistically safe and responsible drivers (less than 0.07% of UK accidents where there is a casualty, involve a car towing a caravan). The Caravan Club will train every year over 1,600 drivers through its comprehensive programme of practical caravanning and caravan manoeuvring courses. We will increase the road safety/road awareness component of the syllabus to more actively promote considerate driving behaviour and attitude. Safer driving/towing will be communicated through technical leaflets, website, Club Magazine, and the training course handbooks. In addition advice on safe loading and outfit matching will be more actively promoted to Members as well as other caravanners and motor caravanners through a range of nationwide media.
- The Club will work with the UK Government’s Department for Transport on its Think! campaigns to promote road safety awareness through a range of media, and brand partners.
IAM RoadSmart

The IAM is a registered charity to promote road safety and improve the standard of driving on our roads. Its membership stands at more than 113,000 members, with the vast majority having undertaken advanced driving classes.
New Commitment
Driver and rider error is the key cause of deaths and serious injuries in the UK and our advanced tests offer a long term solution to the problem. Most deaths occur on rural roads and involve young drivers – both problems that can be addressed by wider adoption of the principles of advanced driving. With the growth of motorcycling in the UK deaths have risen and the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) Advanced Motorcycling test has seen increasing interest.
One in three road deaths on UK roads are also related to someone driving for work purposes which IAM Fleet estimates cost the UK economy around £1.6bn in 2007.
The IAM will enhance and deliver its advanced driving and riding test to all UK driving licence holders. We will also develop new products to attract new members and retain our existing membership. We will campaign on issues of interest to our members such as enforcement practice.
IAM Fleet plans to attract new customers with a range of new road safety, e-training and fleet management products.
Our continued commitment includes:
- IAM Policy and Research will deliver a programme of relevant and high quality road safety research to inform road-users and opinion formers on the key issues. Projects on safe motorcycling, and older drivers are planned with a longer term commitment to research young drivers solutions and develop partnerships and sponsorship to allow the programme to expand.
- We will use our revamped and award winning IAM members magazine to enhance communication with our members and promote our policies and research. We will redesign and update our website to act as a key information portal for safer driving and riding.
Old Commitment
There is a general lack of awareness of Advanced Driving qualifications and the benefits they bring to society in terms of casualty reduction. Over the coming three years (2006-2009), we will therefore draw up targeted, concentrated campaigns to increase awareness of the “Skills for Life” advanced driving (not for profit) courses and broaden the routes of access to the IAM so as to influence and be relevant to 10% of road users. These courses will educate, train and qualify drivers to a higher performance standard. To carry out this action, we aim to collaborate with commercial and third sector partners, relevant NGOs and government agencies, including local authority road safety officers.
We feel there is a need to commission more research into driving-related matters. We therefore aim to commission external research into a range of matters that affect road users and use close links with consultation bodies and a high degree of media activity to disseminate results and provide solutions. Over the next three years (2006-2009), results will be published on our website so as to offer increased access to all those who should be interested in such information. We will work with Brunel University, other research and polling institutions, the Driving Standards Agency and the Department for Transport when carrying out this action.