FIA Region I presented some challenges for societal acceptance and adoption of connected and automated driving (CAD) during the second workshop of the ARCADE Joint Network.
The workshop focussed on European and national research and innovation initiatives, their results, challenges and gaps in the context of the ARCADE thematic areas, of which FIA Region I is leading the one about user awareness, societal acceptance, ethics, and driver training.
FIA Region I highlighted that societal acceptance and adoption can usefully be supported by bringing-in citizens’ perspective into decision making. Public debate can help to define tangible expectations regarding traffic development, traffic safety, mobility choices, and environmental impact of connected and automated driving. Reflecting on the discussions that took during the EUCAD 2019 conference, FIA Region I also recalled citizens’ increasing concerns regarding privacy and the use of data.
The workshop took place in Brussels in conjunction with the
EUCAD2019 conference on 4 April 2019. It received the support from ARCADE associated partners and the European Commission agency INEA.