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    Hi-Drive is Europe’s largest research project on automated driving. The FIA Region I is a partner of the Hi-Drive project, leading the user-awareness campaign together with 11 Member Clubs.

    Automated driving (AD) could offer a wide range of opportunities for mobility, including improved road safety and environmental benefits. The impact of deployment of automated driving will depend not only on the uptake of the technology by the users, but their understanding and use of the AD functionalities.

    The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about the different driver support features and automated driving functions that exist in today’s vehicles and are present on European roads. The aim of the user education campaign is to rectify misconceptions about AD, encourage safe driving practices and advocate for the benefits of automated vehicles.

    14 automated driving functions are covered in the campaign that range between driver support features, advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving functions which belong to levels 0 to 3, of internationally recognized levels of driving automation by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).

    By improving user awareness on the different functions, this can lay the foundation for better uptake of automated vehicles and understanding of these technologies among drivers.

    It is also important for drivers to remain aware of the limitations that these technologies currently have. Vast majority of these functions still require drivers’ attention.

    The digital campaign has been translated into 10 languages and will run from November 2023 until October 2024. The campaign is being led and implemented by the FIA Region I network of automotive and mobility clubs including ACI Italy, ADAC Germany, AMZS Slovenia, ANWB The Netherlands, Autoliitto Finland, HAK Croatia, IAM Road Smart UK, MAK Hungary, MCF France, RACB Belgium and RACC Spain.

    Co-funded by the European Union under Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement No 101006664



    As part of the Hi-Drive user-awareness campaign, the following video was developed to explain the different levels of automated driving.

    Watch the video below to learn more:


    As part of the Hi-Drive project, the FIA Region I is leading the development of a user or driver training curriculum to enhance driver education of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in vehicles.

    In March 2024, the FIA Region I organized a workshop kindly hosted by ADAC at their testing centre in Penzing, Germany. 11 Mobility Clubs gathered with project partners including vehicle manufacturers and behavioural researchers to develop a robust curriculum on assisted and automated driving for European drivers.

    This workshop marked the initial phase in preparing and executing a groundbreaking public user training programme for ADAS. Automated driving will only become a viable reality when users comprehend the capabilities and limitations of these systems and integrate modern ADAS into their driving habits.

    Watch the video below to see the development of ADAS and automated technology in vehicles

    On 23 September 2024, the ADAC organized the first user-training programme in Augsburg at the ADAC Driving Safety Centre. 14 participants, external to ADAC, secured 4 vehicles (BMW models, 2 of which were provided by BMW partner from the Hi-Drive project) and delivered excellent training to the participants.

    Watch the recap video below

    From 5 to 6 October 2024, the RACC Mobility Club organised four ADAS training sessions as part of the Hi-Drive project activities. The training sessions were held at the RACC Advanced Driving Centre Circuit de Catalunya in Montmeló. A total of 25 participants, recruited from the network of RACC members, attended four ADAS training sessions over the two-day event.

    Watch the recap video below

    On 3 December 2024, AMZS organised an ADAS training session as part of the Hi-Drive project. The training session was held at the AMZS Safe Driving Centre in Vransko, Slovenia. A total of 54 participants recruited from the network of AMZS members attended the training session.

    Watch the recap video below


    Visuals - Automated Driving Functions

    Postcards - Automated Driving Functions
