After CAPITAL, also the EU Project IMPACT Connect Car will finish at the end of this year. IMPACT’s final event was held in Paris on 16 and 17 October and finalised one of the FIA Region I’s most successful research projects.
With funding of 2.1 million euro, IMPACT Connected Car aimed to boost SMEs and startups innovating and developing smart mobility solutions. More than 2700 start-ups applied to IMPACT’s open calls and more than 60 start-ups got selected by FIA Region I and its partners. The selected ones entered the project’s acceleration programme, comprising full technical and business mentoring services and equity-free funding.
IMPACT success has been also recognised at the European level: in May 2019 the project has been awarded as INNOSUP-1 Cluster Project of the Year 2019, a European award that rewards the most successful collaboration between clusters across the whole European territory.
As a corporate partner of the project, FIA Region I raised start-ups awareness of some key requirements for innovation in mobility, such as cybersecurity and fair access to in-vehicle data. FIA Region I used the IMPACT network also to promote our FIA Region I’s start-up challenge: four IMPACT start-ups will be present at the Meetup Day on 22 October, Carfit, Drivvisor, Go to-u and Iomob.