As the European Commission releases its strategy for CO2 emissions in road transport. FIA Region I urges the EU to implement ambitious CO2 targets. In addition to these targets, incentives for the reduction in the weight of passenger cars would help the car industry achieve the targets. Research commissioned by FIA Region I shows definitively how lighter vehicles need less energy and produce fewer carbon emissions. A study funded by the FIA and carried out by the International Transport Forum (ITF) has shown that by reducing the fleet weight of passenger cars from a current 1,380kg to 1,000kg by 2050 the emissions from passenger cars could be reduced by 40%. Additionally, the reduction of car weight offers manufacturers a flexible method to achieve emissions reduction, without prescribing a specific path to these emissions savings.
FIA Region I’s conclusions are based on the ITF study Lightening Up: How Less Heavy Vehicles Can Help Cut CO2 Emissions that examines how reducing the weight of passenger cars would dramatically lower CO2 emissions from road transport.