FIA Region I’s EU Project C-MobILE will organise two events on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS).
On 21 November, the C-ITS City Pool: Services Deployment Training and Workshop will take place in Barcelona during the Smart City Expo World Congress (19-21 November). This event aims to train public authorities on C-ITS deployment also via concrete demonstrations.
From 2 to 4 December 2019, C-MobILE will also host the “interoperability TESTFEST” in Vigo. Participants will test C-MobILE services operating at the Vigo deployment site, such as Road works warning (RWW), Road Hazard Warning (RHW), In-Vehicle Signage (IVS), Slow or Stationary Vehicle Warning (SSVW) and Green Light Optimised Speed Advice (GLOSA). The registration is open until 18 November.
C-MobILE (Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe) works to ensure safe and efficient road transport on European roads. FIA Region I leads the liaison activities of C-MobILE and is responsible for identifying relevant activities, projects and stakeholder groups to involve.